
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Matte Lovin' | How To Make Photos Matte in Photoshop

I took a short walk today, mainly so I could take photos of the flowering trees before they're all gone. I have been practicing on my matte edits, and thought I would share how I do it. It's very quick, simple. So here are my shots for the day, cause maybe I'm a showoff... LOL. And keep scrolling down to read on how I processed them.

Now on the HOW:

I use Adobe Photoshop CC -- pretty much a rental ($10/month) of Adobe Photoshop and the latest version of Lightroom. Although it could be done with the Dehaze tool in Lightroom, I prefer to do it PS because I have better control of the midtones and highlights. 

1. Add Levels layer mask.
The key is to underexpose the photo a little bit. I find that it does magic to noisy photos! It does wonders. Love love love this technique for those grainy photos! See for yourself.

2. Adjust Sliders.
The most important slider is the bottom left. Slide it to the right just enough so the photo doesn't get washed out. BUT if the photos get too washed out, move the top middle slider to the right and if that doesn't do it, move the bottom right slider to the left. And you're done!!!

Well, there you go. I hope you learned something. There's a lot of ways to do it, but I find this super easy. One layer mask, 3 sliders and you're done! 

Thanks so much for reading!


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