
Sunday, February 7, 2016


Today, I just feel like sharing something I did to make my shot a little interesting. If you have been practicing for a while you probably know this trick already. It's a peek-a-boo style of photographing something. I've seen people use crystals and jewelry -- anything sparkly and shiny, put it against your lens to where it won't be able to focus on it, it becomes a foreground of some sort. It creates an interesting look. To me anyway. Flowers courtesy of my sweet husband. I hope you learn something and use it to practice detail shots. Here's two of my favorite shots.

These photos were shot with Canon 5D Mark III with the kit lens (zoom lens). Focal length was 67mm and 75mm, ISO 2000, F/4, 1/200 sec shutter speed.

Here's how I shot it:

Lots of natural light. Of course window light is the best. I stood to the left of the flowers, against the wall -- like I was peeking through the drapes. 

I used this little angel tree hanger/ornament (?) that someone gave me last year. It lights up and changes colors every second. Next picture tells shows you I was holding it with my left hand right in front of my lens to create the light bokeh. And all you have to worry about is making sure your tact sharp. The camera is pretty heavy, but with this technique anything ordinary all of a sudden looks fancy. I mean I shot a 5-dollar bouquet from the supermarket. 

I love discovering something like this and actually trying it myself. Hope you enjoyed and try it yourself too, if you are into photography yourself.


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