
Friday, September 2, 2016

3 Months In on A-photo-a-day Challenge

It's been a while since I last posted. This a look-back post for my photo a day challenge. I have been learning a lot, making friends and falling in love with this art even more. So, I am just going to share with you 3 photos of collages from the months of June, July and August.

I play by the rules of the challenge: which is to take a photo a day, because my goal is to improve and to practice, I have disciplined myself to take a photo a day and not pull up photos I have taken many years ago. Although, a couple of days here and there, I would have to do a throwback, 99% of these photos are my clicks everyday since June.

Here's my June:

With a couple of throwbacks. Looking at it, I am not that happy about my color choices during this month. Too many browns for my liking, but I hope to improve and make conscious choices when I shoot.


I love this month! My colors are pretty and filled with whites. It's easy on the eyes.


I tried a few things this month. This collage does not include the photos I have taken with my mobile phone or the throwbacks. Generally, still a few shots here and there that doesn't reflect how I want to shoot, but I am getting there.

Come join me on Instagram if you are interested in photography and would like a community of great photographers doing the same thing. Link should be on the top right corner.

Thank you for reading!

xo Jijie

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